American Spring May 16, 2014

Started by Jmpty, May 16, 2014, 04:19:12 PM

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All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.



Sooo.... a couple of hundred Tea Partiers are going to take down the gummint with....knitting needles?


(edit) didn't even get a mention on Huffpost. THAT is embarrassing.


Quote from: stromboli on May 16, 2014, 08:36:12 PM

Sooo.... a couple of hundred Tea Partiers are going to take down the gummint with....knitting needles?


(edit) didn't even get a mention on Huffpost. THAT is embarrassing.
Fear the Dentugrip!
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Well if you don't know what 30 MILLION people look like you've never been to the national mall in Washington DC.
But just in case you're wondering what 30 MILLION look like preparing to storm congress and the white house.

It's pretty obvious by the picture they're just waiting for the other 29,999,990 to show up,  but they're on the way!
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Quote from: AllPurposeAtheist on May 16, 2014, 09:15:00 PM
Well if you don't know what 30 MILLION people look like you've never been to the national mall in Washington DC.
But just in case you're wondering what 30 MILLION look like preparing to storm congress and the white house.

It's pretty obvious by the picture they're just waiting for the other 29,999,990 to show up,  but they're on the way!


Gawdzilla Sama

May 17th this will be declared a victory for them.
We 'new atheists' have a reputation for being militant, but make no mistake  we didn't start this war. If you want to place blame put it on the the religious zealots who have been poisoning the minds of the  young for a long long time."
PZ Myers


This just in: 29,999,990 standing at various bus stops around the nation waiting to overthrow US government. They, uhhh..missed the bus.
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


See the guy on the right? THAT'S what is looks like to be pissed off at 29,999,990 other people who are late.
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Top excuses for the 29,999,000 that didn't show up for American Spring

Quote1. President Obama ordered FEMA to round them up and put them all in concentration camps.
2. President Obama declared martial law and ordered them to be herded and executed.
4. It’s meth-cooking season, so couldn’t leave their meth labs.
5. They all went to Washington state, instead of Washington D.C.
6. They used Apple Maps and ended up protesting in a corn field in Iowa.
7. They couldn’t figure out a way to get there without using a government-built road.
8. Cliven Bundy’s cattle was blocking the roadways.
9. It was national discount day at Golden Corral.
10. There were too many puddles to navigate around.
11. The 15 or so big rig drivers who showed up for Truckers for Truth back in October are still clogging up the interstates in the area.
12. They tried to make signs to bring to the protest, but couldn’t get all the words spelled right in time to show up.
13. They were all looking for that Ben Ghazi fella they always hear about on Fox News.
14. They found out that neither Ted Cruz nor Sarah Palin would be there, and didn’t bother.
15. COPS was being filmed in their trailer park that day and didn’t want to miss an opportunity to be on television.
16. There was a Duck Dynasty marathon on A & E all day.
17. They couldn’t get their tractors started.
18. They couldn’t miss their weekly KKK meeting.
19. Same reason why every other previous battle for freedom and liberty was halted â€" it rained.
20. Saw a rainbow over Washington, and turned around, thinking that getting near it might make them gay.
21. They were given ultimatums by their cousins that they’d break up with them if they left for a day or two.
22. They all accidentally shot themselves.
23. Had to stay home to defend their trailer parks from a rumored Bureau of Land Management takeover.
24. Washington-area stores ran out of Twizzlers, so they panicked and went back home.
25. Cliven Bundy gave a live lecture on the Negro on the same day, couldn’t miss the chance of being enlightened.
26. Found out that Washington-area liquor stores don’t carry Old Milwaukee or Pabst Blue Ribbon.
27. Illegal to ride lawn mowers on the streets of Washington.
28. They couldn’t find their teeth, and they don’t go out without them.
29. If you count the voices in the heads of the people who showed up, there were 30 million people there.
30. It’s square dance night at the VFW hall, and they promised their sisters they’d take them.
31. Got caught up at Waffle House, had their buffet for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
32. Their dogs were in heat.
33. Can’t leave Cliven Bundy’s ranch quite yet.
34. They were all raptured.
35. Their government disability checks weren’t enough to get them to Washington, which is all Obama’s fault.


30 reminds me of tea party foreplay. Psssst, Sis, you awake?
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


And an update on Huffpost! Nope, still no mention.