Extraordinary Claims => Religion General Discussion => Christianity => Topic started by: Goon on August 12, 2015, 05:04:32 PM

Title: How do you not just snap when listening to Christians?
Post by: Goon on August 12, 2015, 05:04:32 PM
i feel like punching them in the mouth, really hard. it's just ridiculous. tell me i'm going to hell, i'd rather just become a heroin addict and forget this world. what is going on? kill the gays for a AIDs free christmas!,etc.

Please help me deal with people I'd rather strangle. imagine the headline.. atheist gets life for strangling christian man
Title: Re: How do you not just snap when listening to Christians?
Post by: Munch on August 12, 2015, 05:12:28 PM
Its all about self control. Trust me, almost everyone here has felt that way when confronted by the levels of ignorance they bring.

The best thing to try and do is view them as uneducated children, man-childs in suits, who are terrified of fundamental things like death and judgement.

Yes, many are just assholes, but they all fit on the same boat more or less. Remember that whatever shit they say, you know better, though science and things they don't want to follow out of caveman like fear.
Title: Re: How do you not just snap when listening to Christians?
Post by: Mike Cl on August 12, 2015, 05:23:13 PM
Quote from: Goon on August 12, 2015, 05:04:32 PM
i feel like punching them in the mouth, really hard. it's just ridiculous. tell me i'm going to hell, i'd rather just become a heroin addict and forget this world. what is going on? kill the gays for a AIDs free christmas!,etc.

Please help me deal with people I'd rather strangle. imagine the headline.. atheist gets life for strangling christian man
As Munch said--self control.  But beyond that, never let them see you sweat!  Okay--what does that have to do with anything?  Do you want to make them mad as you get now?  First, you have to learn to control your anger.  Then, when that is under control, you can start learning how to push their anger buttons.  That can be learned from experience--and you have to approach that problem with your style and personality factored in.  But whatever you do, don't become angry for that is what feeds them.  So, deprive them of food--be neutral at all times.  And then probe for their buttons (always in a calm demeanor)--and push them for all you are worth.  And if you can pull it off, use a knowing, slight smile--not condescending, but  knowing, and that will whip them into a real frenzy.  Then you can smile a real smile. :)))
Title: Re: How do you not just snap when listening to Christians?
Post by: Munch on August 12, 2015, 05:38:54 PM
As Mike says yeah, the greatest weapon against these christian screwballs isn't anger, its keeping your cool, showing them your not intimidated by their bullshit, and showing your more intelligent then they are, which honestly in most cases isn't much proof needed.
Title: Re: How do you not just snap when listening to Christians?
Post by: Solitary on August 12, 2015, 06:05:06 PM
Who says I don't snap? I have never acted on it with Christians, but I did with a man that kept honking his horn and riding my bumper when I was going the speed limit.  He was a huge fat ass that probably sat behind a desk everyday bulling people. I slowed down 5 MPH and he stayed there honking the horn, 5 more MPH and he stayed there honking the horn, 5 more MPH hour until  after slowing down more times 5 MPH I stopped the car while he laid on the horn. I got out of my car to have a nice friendly conversation with him, and when I got by the door of his car he opened it and stepped out with his foot on the ground.  I gently slammed the door on his leg while he was screaming and got in his face telling him I would be glad to honk his horn while he drives my car the speed limit. I got back in my car while he was screaming while cars backed up behind him. Moral of the story, don't fuck with a psychopath with PTSD.   

PS He did look like a Christian though praying for God to take the pain away.
Title: Re: How do you not just snap when listening to Christians?
Post by: peacewithoutgod on August 12, 2015, 06:16:28 PM
Quote from: Goon on August 12, 2015, 05:04:32 PM
i feel like punching them in the mouth, really hard. it's just ridiculous. tell me i'm going to hell, i'd rather just become a heroin addict and forget this world. what is going on? kill the gays for a AIDs free christmas!,etc.

Please help me deal with people I'd rather strangle. imagine the headline.. atheist gets life for strangling christian man

I feel your rage, bro, and with it your pain! Try reminding yourself of why you are an atheist. You are probably not just more intelligent than they are. If it were that they are just stupid parrots it may not be so bothersome, what I know to be most infuriating are the stinking mounds of shit which they pile up, as if nothing they say, no matter how dishonest can be wrong because honesty is less important than having their followers. You see in your mind the pain which they are causing children right now with their words, and you want to beat them until they can no longer make a sound, but domestic violence, rape, militarism, and capital punishment are why you aren't on their side - you are above that shit! Keep your cool, because that is what they most want to see you lose. If you respond in anger, then they own you.

Some students on campus have found clever ways of shutting down visiting proselytizers. They cannot stop you from standing right next to them with your own sign, which riffs on the foolishness of his printed statement. When they rent space for revival meetings to assault aborting rights and try seduce new slaves, they distribute their own (insert idiot) bingo cards outside.
Title: Re: How do you not just snap when listening to Christians?
Post by: Termin on August 12, 2015, 06:52:49 PM
 If they are of the same sex, flirt with them. :)

Title: Re: How do you not just snap when listening to Christians?
Post by: Baruch on August 12, 2015, 08:00:07 PM
Hell is other people ... but Hell isn't so bad after all, given you have plenty of company ;-)

Important things are scary ... birth, school, dating, marriage, parenting, working for a living, accidents, illnesses, death.  It seems pretty heavy to me.  It takes a high EQ to deal with that, not a high IQ ... but having both is nice ;-)
Title: Re: How do you not just snap when listening to Christians?
Post by: peacewithoutgod on August 12, 2015, 08:07:29 PM
Quote from: Solitary on August 12, 2015, 06:05:06 PM
Who says I don't snap? I have never acted on it with Christians, but I did with a man that kept honking his horn and riding my bumper when I was going the speed limit.  He was a huge fat ass that probably sat behind a desk everyday bulling people. I slowed down 5 MPH and he stayed there honking the horn, 5 more MPH and he stayed there honking the horn, 5 more MPH hour until  after slowing down more times 5 MPH I stopped the car while he laid on the horn. I got out of my car to have a nice friendly conversation with him, and when I got by the door of his car he opened it and stepped out with his foot on the ground.  I gently slammed the door on his leg while he was screaming and got in his face telling him I would be glad to honk his horn while he drives my car the speed limit. I got back in my car while he was screaming while cars backed up behind him. Moral of the story, don't fuck with a psychopath with PTSD.   
Yes, we have to stay cool as atheists where the proselytizers attack, but tailgaters should never be tolerated - it isn't the speeders, not the red-light runners, it sure isn't the inadequate turn signal people, and not even the drunks. Don't get me wrong, they are all gravely dangerous, but not nearly so bad as the tailgators who never, ever get ticketed unless they actually cause an accident. So I slow down too, although I only wish I ever had the chance to trap such a bastard behind me and do that slam-the-door-on-his-leg trick (hmmm...I'll have to remember that one, should the opportunity ever present itself, bwahahahahaha). The only difference is that I never saw any doing that who looked like desk jockeys. In my part of the world they look like gym rats, or kids who look a lot better than they think.
Title: Re: How do you not just snap when listening to Christians?
Post by: peacewithoutgod on August 12, 2015, 08:10:04 PM
Quote from: Solitary on August 12, 2015, 06:05:06 PM
PS He did look like a Christian though praying for God to take the pain away.
When I used to hang out with Christians, it was they who were the absolute worst drivers on the planet. "God is my pilot!" - crazy fuckheads!
Title: Re: How do you not just snap when listening to Christians?
Post by: TomFoolery on August 12, 2015, 11:25:51 PM
Just a few weeks ago I watched my three year-old nephew break down on Skype because my sister had given him broken peanut butter crackers. It's easy to sit back and laugh from a distance because he's acting like a self-centered tweaker with odd beliefs. That's how I try to view Christians: like little children who just don't know any better. That's how I avoid snapping.
Title: Re: How do you not just snap when listening to Christians?
Post by: Munch on August 13, 2015, 04:24:46 AM
Quote from: TomFoolery on August 12, 2015, 11:25:51 PM
Just a few weeks ago I watched my three year-old nephew break down on Skype because my sister had given him broken peanut butter crackers. It's easy to sit back and laugh from a distance because he's acting like a self-centered tweaker with odd beliefs. That's how I try to view Christians: like little children who just don't know any better. That's how I avoid snapping.

That's pretty much the thing with my older nephew and younger one, when the older one wants to claim the play tent as his own fort, and when his younger brother comes along and wants to join in, the older one cries and throws an emotional breakdown because he wants it all to himself.
In fact I probably have Christianity to thank for preparing me for this, since its the same thing, unreasonable childish tantrums
Title: Re: How do you not just snap when listening to Christians?
Post by: Baruch on August 13, 2015, 04:31:03 AM
A well loved baby thinks it is a god ... life goes down hill from there ;-)